Club currently on hold, updates may be posted later.
For club information, write to:
Motor City TARDIS
19186 Fort St. #274
Riverview, MI 48192-6761
Interests: Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, other british sf. Some information spillover into all current media-based science-fiction, as Doctor Who is not in current production.
Meetings monthly, usually.
Newsletter monthly, 6 to 8 pages (3 to 4 sheets)
typical at this time.
Note: Quite a few months have gone by with no newsletter, life has been
picking on the editor, a newsletter is going out at the beginning of December
2000 and is expected to resume something like a normal schedule in a few
months. (Again?)
Memberships $15/yr, 2 years advance maximum at this time. Memberships run longer when the president/editor gets behind on things.
Location restrictions: None. We have members in
Canada, England, and
a few other places I can't remember just now. Meetings can be a pain to
get to when you've an ocean to cross, though.
Mail can be sent to:
There is no meeting currently scheduled.
Video information on tapes and DVDs of interest to the group can be found here. This list was last updated on 1/1/02.
Member Web Pages:
Some of our members have web pages, I'll list them here as I'm told about
them.? If you sent me a note and your page isn't here, send another, I get
behind sometimes.
Most of these will be much more graphic than my
pages, because I think
graphics are horribly overused on the web and therefore don't use them
here at all.
No current links here.