MacWorld GreenHouse - Boston 97

Thanks to the generosity of several long time Macintosh Vendors, there will be a second Mac World GreenHouse. MHA is providing the floor space, Show Guide space, and show coordination. Freeman and Associates are setting up the booth and hanging the banners. Power Computing is again providing the Computers. Apple and IBM are assisting with development of the booth. MacWeek is assisting with getting the word out. Farallon and Asante' are providing the networking hardware.


What is the GreenHouse ?
How do we apply ?
Application Form
How can we get involved ?
Who is this guy that is putting it together anyway ?

What is the Greenhouse ?

It is an area on the show floor that is set aside for new companies that have new products. Because there is a limited amount of space for the GreenHouse, applications are screened and the participation is juried, like an art show. The GreenHouse is a way for small companies to get the exposure that they need to grow and survive. Apple Evangelism, MacWeek, and MacTech Magazine have assisted in the effort to bring this year's GreenHouse together. 18 companies were picked from 137 applicants for MacWorld Boston 96. Of the 216 companies that applied for San Francisco, 30 were picked for the show. In August we again hope to have spots for 30 companies. Because of all the donations of equipment, space and labor, the GreenHouse spots are much cheaper than the normal booths at the show ($500). The GreenHouse at MacWorld Boston will be located between Developer Central and the Apple Booth at Bayside. The focus will be on small companies with end user products. Games, OpenDoc parts, small business tools, graphics tools, Internet tools, etc.

How do we apply ?

Application for the Developer Greenhouse at MacWorld Boston. This is the official application form. Because of the overwhelming number of applications for San Francisco, we have modified the form and the rules a bit. If you submitted the San Francisco form for Boston, you must fill this form out too, sorry. Please return the requested information to

This is what is included in the package:

  1. A PowerPC workstation
  2. Signage and fixtures
  3. Cleaning, wastebaskets, etc.
  4. A stool
  5. Floor space
  6. A sales area that the companies can consign product too -- no selling from the workstation (storage space and tax license issues) -- You will get at least 60% of retail from the sales area. NOTE: Product that is in the sales area in the greenhouse may not be elsewhere on the show floor.
  7. Two exhibitor show badges
  8. Connection to the show network (and from it to the T-1 line to the internet).

The cost is a flat $500.00 payable to MHA (show management), do not submit it with the application, please!

The rules for the greenhouse are as follows:

Application to participate in the MacWorld Boston Greenhouse:

Company Name:

Contact Name:

E-mail address:

Mailing address:

Phone Number:

Fax Number:

Product Name:

Product Description ( What is different about it and why is it cool and exciting?):

Product is currently: __Shipping ___Beta ____ Alpha ____ Prototype

If the product is not shipping -- when will it ship ?

Is an NDA required to review the product ?

- Is the NDA attached to this application ?

When can a copy be shipped (e-mailed - up to 8MB) for review ?

- Is it attached to this application ?

Remember - Applications without product for review can not be processed !

Do you have a contact at Apple, if so who ?

Why do you want to be part of the greenhouse ?

How large is your company ? (people or sales)

How long has is been in business ?

Are you planning to move before the show ?

Do you need two computers to show off the application ?

Will you have product to sell at the show ?

Will this show be your first public announcement of the product ?

Are you willing to abide by all the rules ?

In 50 words or less what do you want about your company and product in the show guide ?

Please e-mail the completed form to :

or mail it to:

Doug Houseman

4233 Mario Ct

Plymouth MI 48170-5132

FAX: 313-454-1702 (4-7PM EDT).

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How can we get involved ?

If you want to assist in sponsoring, mentoring, providing venture capital for or writing about the companies in the GreenHouse or the GreenHouse itself, please contact Doug Houseman (, Cathy Gibson at MHA, Cliff Colby at MacWeek, or Russ Havard at Developer Co-marketing at Apple Computer.

The GreenHouse is always in need of hardware add-ons to showcase the software that the participants are showing off.

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Who is this guy that is putting it together anyway ?

Doug Houseman is a long time Macintosh Fan and Consultant. A graduate of the US Naval Academy with a degree in Naval Architecture (and lots of hands on practice programming control systems for new labs). He has worked at or with dozens of companies to help them bring products to market. He makes his money consulting in the Auto Industry and in Manufacturing Computing issues. Previously he was a founder of/and Technical Editor for Nautilus, the Magazine on CD-ROM for 5 years. He has worked with Irwin Magnetics, Ford Motor Company, Mars Advertising, GM, Masco and Domino's Pizza on a number of computing issues.

He enjoys volunteering his time to help the Macintosh community grow and prosper. He has been involved for 11 years with MacHack ( and with various user group issues. He wrote Late Night with MacHack and a column (with Anna O'Connell) in the early days of the Macintosh called the Business of Software. Currently he is working on reviving the Business of Software for MacTech magazine.

He is active in responding to queries posted on Evanglist. Oh, and he knew Tom Clancy before Hunt for Red October was published. He currently resides in the Midwest with a wife, one son and a real greenhouse full of Orchids.

Oh, yes and he is crazy enough to be working on both developer lectures in the evenings at MacWorld and a Vertical Applications Web Site for the Mac!

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MacWorld GreenHouse is a trademark of MHA, The Business of Software is a trademark of Doug Houseman.