Internet Services
Est 1991
1899 E. Wattles Rd.
Troy, MI 48085
(248) 740-3400
Fax: (248) 740-0690
Just print this handy form for all of our services except
MsenLite, and fax or mail it to us!
If your interested in our MsenLite
package follow the link to the order form for
If you are unsure as to what you want now, check out
"What kind of account do I need?"
We know that this appears inconvenient; but we have found that nothing
replaces hard copy and a signature for the best protection of your
* New Account * Upgrade Services Order Form
| Name | Requested Login (7 chars) |
| | |
| Company | Desired Password (8 chars) |
| | |
| Address | Return connection info by |
| | (circle one) Fax US Mail |
| | Email: |
| City | Home Phone | Work Phone |
| | | |
| State | Zip | Fax | Referred by |
| | | | |
Select desired payment method
|* Discover/Visa/MC# Expires | Print cardholder name |
| | |
| I authorize Msen to charge my Master Card/Visa/Discover account for all |
| charges for Msen service that I may accrue from month to month. This |
| authorization is valid until revoked in writing. |
| |
|Authorized Date: |
|Signature: |
| Check (enclose setup and first month service fee with this form) |
| PO (Business accounts only, please) | D&B# |
| # | (required for PO) |
Select desired service level
| * Personal Combo Account |
| * Personal IP Account |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------|
| | * Shell Access via IP and personal web page |
| | * 75 additional hours per month of IP dialin access |
| | * Static IP address |
| | * Unmetered Modem Usage |
| | * ISDN access (circle one) 64K 128K |
| * Personal Shell Account |
| Select desired Personal Account options |
| * Unmetered Modem Usage |
| * ISDN access (circle one) 64K 128K |
| * Email to pager service |
| * Domain registration |
| domain: |
| * Business Account |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------|
| | Desired Domain: |
| | * New Domain * Existing |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | * 75 monthly hours of IP access |
| | * Secure web server |
| | * Daily www hit count report |
| | * Counter on web page |
| | * Unmetered modem usage |
| | * SMTP service and static IP for domain |
| | * Email to pager service |
| | * Static IP address |
| | * ISDN: (circle one) 64K 128K |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | * Email forwarding for additional domain |
| | domain: |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | * Attach additional domain to web page |
| | domain: |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | * uucp access for host |
| | hostname: |
| Additional Information |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Signature: Date: |
| |
| Parent or Guardian (if under 18): Date: |
| |
| Please read and sign the attached contract |
This Agreement is by and between Msen,
Inc., duly authorized and existing under the laws of the State
of Michigan with its main office at 1899 East Wattles Road, Troy,
MI 48085 ("Msen"); and the Customer for the provision
by Msen or its subcontractors of certain electronic communications
services in exchange for the payment of fees and compliance with
conditions stated herein.
- Billing Terms.
Msen will bill the Customer monthly subscription and connection
fees as set forth in Msen's current rate schedule. This schedule
may be modified by Msen upon 30 (thirty) days notice via a posting
to the Usenet newsgroup msen.announce, by sending electronic
mail to Customer's account or by conventional mail. Payments
received after the due date printed on the invoice will incur
a late payment charge of $30.00 per month, may be terminated and
become subject to collection charges. Termination does not remove
the Customer's responsibility under this Agreement to pay all
fees incurred up to the date of termination, late fees thereafter
and all collection agency and attorney fees incurred in enforcing
Msen's rights under this Contract.
- Customer Termination.
This service may be terminated by the Customer at any time upon
30 (thirty) days prior written notice. The Customer is responsible
to pay all fees up to the date of termination of the service and
collection fees thereafter.
- No Warranties.
Msen exercises no control whatsoever over the content of the
information passing through its network. Msen makes no warranties
of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including any implied
warrantee of merchantability or fitness of this service for a
particular purpose. Msen takes no responsibility for any damages
suffered by the Customer, including, but not limited to, loss
of data from delays, nondeliveries, misdeliveries, or service
interruptions caused by Msen's own negligence or the Customer's
errors and/or omissions. Use of any information obtained via
Msen's network is at your own risk. Msen specifically denies
any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information
obtained through its services.
- Use of Service.
This service may only be used for lawful purposes. Materials
and/or transmission in violation of any local, state or federal
regulation(s) is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited
to, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or
material protected by trade secret. The Customer agrees to indemnify
and hold harmless Msen from any claims resulting from the Customer's
use of this service which damages the Customer or any third party.
The Customer is expressly prohibited from engaging in any activity
that constitutes, in the sole opinion of Msen, system abuse.
- Appropriate Use.
Msen or other relevant authorities may determine inappropriate
usage of this account and the privilege may be revoked at Msen's
discretion. Should this occur, the Customer will be informed
via electronic or conventional mail of this action.
- Notification of Account Changes.
Msen will occasionally require new registration and account information
by the Customer to continue this service. In addition, the Customer
shall notify Msen in writing of any changes in the account information,
such as address.
- Jurisdiction.
The validity, construction and performance of this License shall
be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan.
- Change of Terms and Conditions.
Msen reserves the right to change these terms and conditions
by notifying the Customer by posting to the Usenet newsgroup msen.announce,
by electronic mail to Customer's account or by conventional mail
at least 30 days in advance of the effective date of the change.
Use by the Customer after the effective date constitutes acceptance
of the new terms and conditions. If the Customer does not agree
to the new terms and conditions, the Customer may terminate this
Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 2, set
forth above.
- Notices to Msen.
All notices given by Customer under this Agreement shall be in
writing and delivered by US Mail or facsimile to Msen at the following
Msen, Incorporated
PO Box 4725
Troy, MI 48099-4725
Fax: (248) 740-0690
- Notices to Customer. All
notices given to Customer by Msen under this Agreement shall be
via posting to the Usenet newsgroup msen.announce, via
electronic mail to Customer's account or via conventional mail
to Customer's current address on file.
- Access to Other Networks.
Use of other networks may require approval of the respective
network authorities and use will be subject to any acceptable
usage policies such networks establish.
- Additional Customer Premise Installation
Support. In the normal course
of providing services under this Agreement, Msen personnel will
not be present on the Customer's premises. If the customer requests
Msen personnel to assist them on-site with installation or maintenance
of the service, then the Customer waives its rights against Msen
resulting from liability, loss damage, claim or expense resulting
from Msen's on-site service, except in cases of gross negligence
or willful misconduct. All on-site service, including travel
time, will be charged at Msen's currently prevailing consulting
- Enforcement of Agreement.
The failure of Msen to insist upon or enforce strict performance
by Customer of any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed
as a waiver of any provision or right. Neither the course of
conduct between parties nor trade practice shall act to modify
any provisions of this Agreement.
- No Assignment.
The Customer shall not sell, transfer, or assign this agreement
without the prior written consent of Msen. Any act in derogation
of assignment shall not relieve the Customer of its obligations
under this Agreement.
- Severability.
If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be contrary to law, the remaining provisions of
this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.
- Entire Agreement.
This Contract supersedes all previous representations, understandings
or agreements of the parties with respect to the subject matter
herein, whether written or oral.
Customer Signature: _____________________________________
Date : ________________